Watch and Act
Joondalup Festival
9.30pm – 10.30pm
In the future, what if the only way to experience the beach was to read a Tim Winton book?
Katie McAllister grew up on Pibulmen and Menang Noongar Boodjar and has spent a lot of her life driving up and down the Albany Highway. That’s a lot of time listening to Nigella Lawson on cooking podcasts. A lot of time to wonder if coping strategies for OCD might also help process the uncertainty of climate grief. That’s 419 kilometres worth of time to draft an email to Nigella, offering to be her emergency contact in a climate crisis.
Watch and Act is an anti-comedy that stares down the paradox of paying attention to the places we love as they change forever. It’s also a gentle suggestion for a new kind of emergency warning system, from someone who spent a few summers reading fire warnings on the radio.
Following a sold-out season at the Blue Room Theatre, Katie is desperately seeking your reassurance: is cracking jokes the right way to grieve a colonial continent in a climate crisis? Join her in composing this earnest late-night message to every tree in every karri forest in Denmark.
More information on this show and other fabulous festival events can be found at #JoondalupFestival | @CityofJoondalup